December 7, 2024    

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About Security

How does browser security work?
Recent versions of most Internet browsers support the encrypted transmission of online documents and the data you enter on our web pages. This means that instead of sending readable text, both your browser and our web site's secure server encode all text using a security key. Thus, all data transferred between your browser and our web server is extremely difficult to decode in the unlikely event it is intercepted by an unauthorized party. The key used for encoding is a random number that is unique to your session at our secure web site.

Our web server uses a 40 bit random number (also known as International-grade encryption) as the key used to encode data. A 40 bit key corresponds to more than 1,000,000,000,000 possible unique random numbers. This means that in the unlikely event that an unauthorized computer was to attempt a brute force decryption of the secure data, the unauthorized computer would need to try up to one hundred billion passwords. Even if such a process was to succeed, the 40 bit key is only used for one session so the process would need to be repeated each time a visitor uses our secure web server. While no web security can be absolutely perfect, we use the industry standard protocols. If at any time you are not comfortable with applying online call Navigator Lending Solutions, a division of Land Home Financial Services, Inc. at (855)995-5046 and we will take your application over the phone.

How do I know if my browser supports the necessary security features?
If you are not sure your browser supports secure connections, click the link below. A new browser window will open and automatically check the security status of your browser, offering upgrade instructions if necessary. Click Here to check your browser

How do I know if security is operating?
Our web site has one secure page. It is the Inquire Now page. When you view this page there are a number of clues to let you know the page is secure. First, if you look at your browser's 'Address' or 'Location' line, you should notice that the address starts with "HTTPS://" instead of the usual "HTTP://" indicating that the secure protocol is in effect. Second, if you look at the bottom of your browser window you should see either the Key Graphic or the Lock Graphic graphic depending upon your browser version. These graphics can be clicked to reveal further security information and options.